小の虫を殺して、大の虫を助ける Shou no mushi wo koroshite, dai no mushi wo tasukeru.

  • 解釈:小さな事を犠牲にして、大事を成し遂げるたとえ。
  • Literal:The insect of smallness is killed and an adult insect is helped.
  • Interpretation:It is finishing a serious happening at the sacrifice of a small thing. It is omitting a part in order to employ the whole efficiently.
  • 類義:一殺多生(いっさつたしょう)。大事の前の小事。大の虫を活かして、小の虫を殺す。
GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.